Interstellar Chess
my computer volume setup is super weird so I didn't realize how loud it was until after I uploaded it. Don't know if I have any time to fix this
chess but in space.
M - To return to the menu
Flooks (Pawns) - Move forward or vertically 1 space. Can move 2 spaces forward on their first turn and will become a Head Taker upon reaching the other end of the board.
Tunnelers (Knights) - move exactly 2 spaces in any direction. Can only take pieces by jumping over them
Spirits (Rooks) - can move horizontally and vertically. Cannot take pieces but will cause any piece that takes this piece (excluding tunnelers) to die with it
Infectors - Can move 2 spaces diagonally or horizontally. If an infector is within 1 tile of a flook, it can infect that flook making it switch teams
Head Takers (Queen) - Can move 2 spaces in any direction. Can move 1 additional space for every 3 pieces that have been captured on the board
Leader (King) - can move 2 spaces horizontally or vertically. The game will end when either teams leader is captured
Gargamel - Gargamel appears out of the pit in the center of the board when the Gargamel Timer hits 0. You can extend the timer but sacrificing pieces to the pit. When Gargamel arrives he instantly destroys all pieces currently on a tile touching the pit (including diagonally).
Music (not mine): https://opengameart.org/content/mega-man-clone
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